The Easy Breather, created by J.H. Vipond
Advisory: This comic is rated Web-14. It contains scenes of non-sexual nudity and minimal violence. If you don’t want to, or are not allowed to, view such content, then leave now.

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This is truly the end of the Easy Breather saga. Thank goodness I was able to finish the story after all! In the last panel, Samantha is wearing a sleep mask that I commissioned from Poser World.

As Samantha's (admittedly offbeat) saga ends, I have been helping one of my Facebook friends with development of a Web animation series. It's being done in the spirit of 1970s Hanna-Barbera cartoons (think Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kids, but without the dog or the mainframe computer), and it's expected to debut on DailyMotion in late 2017 or early 2018.

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First comic
Previous comic

Also check out my ongoing
sci-fi/comedy story:
Mr. & Mrs. Invisible
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by Plasq; some fonts were
provided by Blambot and