The Easy Breather, created by J.H. Vipond
Advisory: This comic is rated Web-14. It contains scenes of non-sexual nudity and minimal violence. If you don’t want to, or are not allowed to, view such content, then leave now.

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Samantha's breasts are finally back to their natural size. Please forgive the glare on the smartphone screen in the third panel. Yes, the displayed app is meant to resemble Puff Puff Pass, but with a hookah.

To those companies that want to improve their 2nd Vote scores, I have this advice: Respect all human life, whether born or not yet born; recognize that marriage is only between a natural man and a natural woman; oppose the Common Core educational standards and support school choice; fight pollution, but don't worry about human impact on the climate; respect U.S. immigration laws, and stop discriminating against Christians.

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Mr. & Mrs. Invisible
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