By the time you read this, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration should have been granted the authority to regulate tobacco products. But that doesn't necessarily mean that the Easy Breather's work is done. No, there are many other air pollutants that require her attention.
My Apple Mighty Mouse has been behaving much better, though my Mac mini still periodically loses the connection to the mouse. I also had trouble starting Safari 4 until it occurred to me to trash the Sogudi extension that I had been using with Safari 3.
Also, as of the end of May 2009, my ISP discontinued its Usenet feed, so I no longer have access to alt.binaries.3d.poser or any other newsgroup. If you have created any new Poser 5 content (at the moment I am seeking sleepers for the Poser 4 infant), either free or for sale, notify me privately.
Also check out my ongoing sci-fi/comedy story: |