The Easy Breather, created by J.H. Vipond
Advisory: This comic is rated Web-14. It contains scenes of non-sexual nudity and minimal violence. If you don’t want to, or are not allowed to, view such content, then leave now.

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Yes, it's another filler page! I hope it's the last filler page for a while. Thanks to James "Metajock" Miller of DOA Services for the display case prop. I just need to put some jewelry into the cases: gold chains, necklaces, rings, etc. I am attempting to model the "Bulletbot" in Cinema 4D.

Here's a summary of my current plan for this chapter, which is subject to availability of relevant Poser figures and props:

  1. Ant Woman is at the jewelry store in her non-heroic identity when the Bulletbot, one of the Operator's nine robots, crashes through the side window.
  2. The robot tries to steal the wristwatch Darla wanted repaired. Though unable to assume her Ant Woman identity, Darla subdues the Bulletbot before it can steal anything else.
  3. Before Darla can recover her watch, the Bulletbot attacks her with noxious gas. She survives, but the gas dissolved all of her clothes! The stark-naked Darla sidles out the door, clutching her purse and offering to pay for the broken window.
  4. The Bulletbot, which was following Darla, takes her purse. It drops the purse into its cargo hold: "If you want your purse, little human, come and get it!" Against her better judgment, she enters the robot's cargo hold, but the hatch closes before she can get out.

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Mr. & Mrs. Invisible
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